Criador e Editor de Vídeos (Serviço de Criação e Edição de Vídeos) | Portal EMCO

Criador e Editor de Vídeos (Serviço de Criação e Edição de Vídeos)

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Task Summary:
Seeking a video maker & editor to produce high-quality, engaging, and visually appealing videos.

Marketing and Communication

Short-term, Local

20th August, 2024


iDE is an international NGO founded 40 years ago with the belief that markets lift people out of poverty. We catalyze change in markets by incentivizing low-income people to establish locally-led scalable solutions that are passed down through generations and founded on mutually beneficial partnerships. Since 2010 in Mozambique, we help build local economies and value chains that deliver goods and services to “last mile” customers in remote areas. We do this by building networks of small-scale entrepreneurs that power “resilient market ecosystems”, and boosting the incomes of marginalized people, medium-sized commercial farmers, and the private sector. iDE believes that access to innovative finance is a critical intervention that rural entrepreneurs need to grow their businesses and remain resilient in spite of various shocks and stressors. iDE Mozambique’s resilience-building efforts have successfully assisted farmers and entrepreneurs living in Maputo, Gaza, Manica, Sofala, Nampula, Zambezia, and Cabo Delgado provinces to adapt to multiple environmental, public health, and socio-political shocks.


iDE Mozambique seeks a Mozambique-based video maker and editor to produce high-quality, engaging, and visually appealing videos that capture iDE’s activities and achievements within the Farmers Resilience and Rebuilding Initiative - CABO DELGADO (FRRI-CD), being implemented in Cabo Delgado Province, specifically in Namuno, Chiure, Mecufi, and Palma Districts. The primary objective of these videos is to show the project's impact on Cabo Delgado and its communities. Please refer to the project description in Annex 1.

These videos will support marketing and communications and will be used in various communication platforms, such as online publications, websites, newsletters, and social media, to raise awareness of our work and increase the organization's visibility. They may also be used by the media and other partners on request as a resource to portray iDE’s work.


Video Maker

  • Visit some of our project areas in Cabo Delgado province to collect video and interview material of projects and project beneficiaries (women, youth, men, farmer families).
  • Capture through film, scenarios as per the script produced by the iDE communications team.
  • Capture drone footage.
  • Capture through film any documentary description provided in the script (interviews with beneficiaries).
  • Must have all the necessary equipment and tools for the best results (camera, lens, microphone, tripods).

Video Editing

  • Edit and assemble raw footage into cohesive, compelling videos: One 6-minute video, and 5 (five) 30-second to 1-minute videos for social media.
  • Trim and arrange clips to create a seamless narrative flow.
  • Add appropriate transitions, text overlays, and graphics as needed, including English language subtitles.

Audio Editing

  • Ensure clear and balanced audio quality.
  • Add background music, sound effects, and voiceovers as required.

Color Correction and Grading

  • Apply color correction and grading techniques to enhance visual appeal and consistency.

Motion Graphics (if applicable)

  • If needed, incorporate motion graphics or animations as directed by the iDE communications team.

Compliance and Quality Control

  • Ensure all videos meet the specified technical and creative standards.
  • Address any feedback provided by the creative team promptly.


  • Co-develop the video script with the project manager and team.
  • Follow iDE’s and donors' image guidelines and branding requirements in the development of the assignment.
  • Agree with iDE on a detailed budget and timeline prior to the assignment.
  • Manage and ensure own editing and other equipment.
  • Follow the script provided by the iDE communications team.
  • Guarantee that during interviews, the interviewee is given a consent form, is explained how the consent form works, signs it, and that one copy stays with the video maker to later pass onto the iDE communications team, and one copy stays with the interviewee.


  • 5 (five) 30-second to 1-minute video edits and a 6-minute video edit.
  • Edited videos in the following formats:
    • Format: MP4, MOV
    • Resolution: 1920x1080 pixels, 1080x1080 pixels (square), 1080x1350 pixels (portrait), and/or 1080x608 pixels (landscape).
  • Edited audio tracks (if applicable) in the following formats:
    • Format: AAC or MP3
    • Bitrate: 192 kbps or 320 kbps (for stereo audio).
  • Any additional project files or assets created during the editing process.
  • Videos will be set in English language, with subtitles.


Within the framework of the assignment, iDE shall:

  • Agree with the Video Maker and Editor on the scope of the assignment, budget, and shooting schedule and provide a detailed brief on expected outcomes and pricing prior to the field visit.
  • Arrange for relevant personnel to assist the video maker during the field visit.
  • Provide the video maker with transportation to and from filming locations.
  • Provide the video editor with relevant information material on projects in a timely manner, including the final English language script for subtitles.
  • Be available for ongoing consultation with the video editor throughout the assignment to ensure the best outcome.


iDE will have exclusive rights to the materials. The following territory: global. For the following time period: indefinitely. Please note that the photographer assigns all right, title, and interest in the photographs to iDE.


  • Share links to work samples demonstrating the most relevant previous productions.
  • Two references (with contact information) from previous clients.
  • Detailed budget for a 6-minute video and 5 (five) shorter (30-second to 1-minute) edits.
  • Brief presentation of the team/person, with CVs and functional responsibilities of each.
  • Brief letter describing previous experience on similar projects as well as proposed creative direction for the film. Creative ideas and suggestions are encouraged.


Interested individuals/entities that have the capacity to deliver this ToR are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal to with the subject line “Video editor services” to reach iDE on or by July 25th, 2024. All submitted proposals on or before the deadline shall be evaluated and only eligible firms deemed qualified will be shortlisted for further communication.


In Cabo Delgado, iDE works with over 13,000 farmers across the districts of Mecufi, Chiure, Namuno, and Palma. Through a comprehensive training program spanning from agricultural training on regenerative farming techniques to financial literacy and nutrition, these farmers have been able to increase their rainfed production with a combination of cash and staple crops.

Before iDE’s intervention, between 5 to 10% of our beneficiary base had access to irrigated land for vegetable production. To address this issue - in collaboration with local governments and communities - iDE has established over 350 large production hubs ensuring access to water and on-farm technical assistance to all of our beneficiaries. These farmers now produce vegetables, generating a source of income and nutrition even during the dry season, and we have popularized vegetable production in areas previously considered unsuitable for horticulture.

Cabo Delgado is a region prone to climate-related shocks and stresses such as drought and cyclones, which increases the risk of pest outbreaks that destroy farmers’ crops. To mitigate this and offer affordable pest management options to rural communities, iDE has piloted and popularized a novel approach to organic pest management that leverages indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants to produce effective broad-spectrum natural pesticides. This work has been disseminated across all our country programs and is now being consolidated in partnership with local universities to build the first ethnobotanical library of pesticides for Mozambique.

This agricultural development work was matched with continuous efforts to strengthen the market ecosystem, supporting a network of local entrepreneurs with training, business development coaching, market linkages, and credit. In the past 12 months, about 100,000 US dollars were borrowed, invested, and successfully repaid by these rural entrepreneurs through our KIVA facility program.

In parallel, we have supported farming groups to establish village savings and loans associations that are now empowering thousands of women and men to venture into microbusinesses within their communities, diversifying their income streams, and enhancing economic resilience.

In the past 2 years, we have conducted 4 rounds of voucher-based input trade fairs to provide farmers with seeds and equipment ahead of each cropping season. This season, with long-term sustainability in mind, we are launching a private-sector-led, decentralized input distribution system. In partnership with the government, over 30 private sector companies, micro-entrepreneurs, and representatives of farming communities, we have co-designed a system wherein the private sector reaches smallholders directly on their farms and builds lasting linkages with the last mile for the provision of input and affordable technology.

In Cabo Delgado today, over 13,000 farmers are organized in groups, highly motivated, and are linked to output buyers and input providers through a network of rural entrepreneurs with a vested interest in community development. Our lead farmers and rural entrepreneurs act as aggregators, ensuring that thousands of tons of grains and vegetables produced by our beneficiaries and their neighbors reach the market. To support vertical integration, we have consolidated partnerships with dozens of local companies, building their credit-worthiness and linking them downstream with farming communities and upstream with larger licensed market players.

Prazo: 25 de Julho

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